Worksite Practice Liaisons serve a critical role in protecting public safety and supporting our participants in their return to practice. 

When you agree to serve in the role of a Worksite Practice Liaison, UPHP will meet with you to review what you can expect of the position.  UPHP staff will provide you with instructions to access the program’s electronic record system and help you to set up your account. You will then be able to submit reports online, which are due either monthly or quarterly.

The role of the Worksite Practice Liaison (typically a participant’s direct clinical supervisor) is critical to ensure a participant’s success in returning to safe professional practice. UPHP and the Worksite Liaison maintain open communication regarding the participant’s progress.

Management of a returning, recovering professional is no different than that of any other employee. A worksite liaison will observe an employee’s progress at work and observe for any signs of return to use and serve as a support as the healthcare professional fulfills the requirement of their monitoring agreement. The worksite monitor will submit to UPHP periodic progress reports.

Learn More About Worksite Practice Liaisons