8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Monday – Friday (excluding State and Federal Holidays)
Office Location:
Heber M. Wells Building
4th Floor
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Mailing Address:
Utah Professionals Health Program
Division of Professional Licensing
State of Utah Department of Commerce
P.O. Box 146741
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741
© 2024 UPHP. All rights reserved.
Healthcare professionals are considered champions of health. However, their substance misuse and addiction rates are not different from the general population. It is suggested that 10-15% of health care professionals will misuse substances throughout their lifetime. Healthcare professionals and the general population face similar barriers with similar consequences, such as suicide and overdose. However, healthcare professionals with substance use disorders, who delay seeking treatment, may place their patients at immediate risk for harm.
Professional Health Programs, such as the Utah Professionals Health Program (UPHP), are available to healthcare professionals with substance use disorders, and offer a confidential, non-punitive approach while assisting the healthcare professionals on their road to recovery. A comprehensive clinical evaluation must be performed before participating in a Professionals Health Program to determine the participant’s eligibility as well as to determine the best course of treatment. The successful evaluation of healthcare professionals has unique challenges as these professionals and positions may enable the individual’s substance use disorder and increase the risk for both patient harm and self-harm. It is therefore critical that evaluators of healthcare professionals with substance use disorders are specifically trained on how to work with this population.
The UPHP determines a potential participant’s eligibility for participation in the program based upon the findings of a comprehensive clinical evaluation. By rule (R156-4a-102), the comprehensive clinical evaluation is a Division approved independent evaluation of a participant that is: diagnostically rigorous, tailored to the specific needs of the participant, includes collateral information, and assesses the presence of a substance use disorder and of any other conditions that may affect the participant’s physical or psychological fitness for practice.
Further, R156-4a-102 specifies that the comprehensive clinical evaluation must be completed by: A multidisciplinary team at an evaluation center that has established expertise in the assessment of healthcare providers or other safety-sensitive professions with substance use disorders, or a qualified specialist approved by UPHP.
The Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP). (2019). 2019 FSPHP Physician Health Program Guidelines (1st Edition)
1: Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Template
2: Samples
2: CPPH. Guidelines for Evaluations of Healthcare Professionals
3: ASAM Continuum Electronic Assessment Tool
4: Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) website