While our primary focus is on monitoring substance use disorders, we understand the interconnected nature of health and wellbeing. We offer guidance on a range of concerns to ensure a holistic approach to support. If you have questions or concerns about a colleague, loved one, or employee, UPHP is here to help. Contact us for consultation services that go beyond substance use disorders, encompassing various health conditions impacting the practice of licensed professionals.
- Stress
- Burnout
- Mental Health
- Physical Health
- Other Life Stressors
Consultation Services
1. Assessment and Referral Options
- UPHP can facilitate a referral to community and out of state resources or for a comprehensive assessment to identify various health conditions that may impact a licensee’s ability to practice safely.
- We guide licensees, their loved ones, and employers toward appropriate referral options for further assessment or treatment.
- Although UPHP only provides confidential monitoring for substance use disorders, we can connect licensees to resources to address any health conditions they may be affecting their lives and careers.
2. Talking to Someone You are Concerned About
We offer assistance on how to approach and communicate with a colleague or loved one when you have concerns about their well-being. Call us, we are happy to talk to you about how to approach the person you are concerned about.
3. Doc2Doc Wellbeing Consultation

Doc2Doc Wellbeing Consulting Program (Doc2Doc) is available to any physician licensed in Utah.
Call 801 530-6291 (8:00 am to 4:30 pm) to speak to a masters-level licensed clinician.
- Schedule a confidential appointment with a physician (video or phone call, depending on your preference)
- Discuss any concern — stress, burnout, relationship issue, poor outcome
Many physicians who are having workplace or situational concerns do not feel that their issues rise to the level of UPHP’s traditional services (comprehensive clinical evaluation, treatment referral and monitoring). UPHP is pleased to implement another way to have peer to peer support. Doc2Doc is meant to supplement our extensive services with pre-clinical support without lengthy documentation or an extensive evaluation. For those of you who just need someone to talk to, call and speak with someone today!